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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Reflecting on TZ- Real Joy

     It's been 4 months since  I left Tanzania. Some days it feels like it was just yesterday that I was landing in that country. Other days it feels like the whole 2 months was some kind of distant dream. In a lot of ways, I still am a little bit in awe that it even happened. I cherish every memory and still struggle not to tear up when thinking about it too long.
     A lot has happened over the last 4 monthes, I've graduated from College, moved back to Franklin, TN, moved out of my parents house, started two new jobs, and basically become thrown back into the swing of "U.S. real world."
     As I reflect over the trip, the ways that it changed my life are endless to explain to any one person. However, as I look over the pictures, what brings me to tears every time is the amount of JOY that I see in the pictures. I realize everytime I look at the pictures of me with my students, with the children of William's village, or touring Kenya and the Rift Valley, I am looking at someone who is completely satisfied. The girl I see in those pictures knows that she is EXACTLY where she is supposed to be. She's dirty, sweaty, uncomfortable, homesick, and yet so happy and joyful and content in a way that she has never been any other time in her life. If one were to look at her physical condition, they would see that she's lost weight due to sickness or the new diet and she probably looks a little tired because of the bags under her eyes. Yet, anyone can see, she's never been so FULL.

How ironic.

How interesting that this girl is so unhappy and yet her eyes beam with Joy that could only reflect the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now the question is, where is that girl now?

Can I honestly say that I am fully content where I am? I'm definitely physically more comfortable. I can eat whatever I want without fear of parasite. I can sleep without a mosquito net and without fear of Malaria. I sleep in air conditioning. I can drive 5 minutes to the closest Starbucks and grab an incredible cup of coffee that costs more than my friends in TZ make in a week. I can pick up the phone and call any loved one that I desire to. Im in a job that I enjoy where I am doing ministry with people just like I was doing over in TZ.

So why don't the pictures of me these days reflect that joy?

Perhaps, that level of JOY is a choice.

     In Tanzania, I woke up every morning knowing that I had limited time in that place to love the SNOT out of every person around me and reflect Christ to them. I woke up with purpose in every step and dreams in my heart.

Is there any reason why it shouldn't be the  same way in the United States?

Absolutely not.

Choose JOY today.

 Choose to BE where you are and really BE there.

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